Now that I’ve finished gift guides I wanted to go back to Christmas decor… specifically outdoor Christmas Decor! I spent this weekend putting together my outdoor Christmas decorations and you guys I love how it turned out! I still have a few things to add and then I’ll share everything! Lets get into my outdoor Christmas decor post.

outdoor candy canes, outdoor christmas decorations, outdoor christmas lights, inflatable santa, red & green christmas wreath, outdoor star christmas decoration, christmas doormat, c6 outdoor lights, nightmare before christmas lights, front porch joy sign, front porch christmas sign

So I really wanted to keep outside uniformed and match it to Santa’s North Pole. So with that being said I of course got an inflatable Santa & some candy canes! Everything else kind of just came into place! Also since I live in an apartment I do decorate my front door so out front I always put a Christmas mat, a Christmas porch sign, & a Christmas wreath.

Again these unintentionally go with my patio decor but whenever I get I house I’m glad to know it will all go together so beautifully! Also all of my purchases are under $35 making everything super affordable! Let me know what you guys do for outdoor Christmas decor and if you buy any of these!